this page is up and running. Here you will find the latest news and information about IMParty VII. Right now this page is quite sparse on info, but it will be updated later with more less-important things. Now the page is mainly here to inform all of you about the start and end date of the party. It has been a very unclear subject the last time, and we hope this shall make everything come back to focus.

IMParty 7 starts: 18.00 CET July 28, 1998.

IMParty 7 ends: 18.00 CET July 30, 1998.

The seventh
IMParty will follow in the older IMParties path. It will be held in Grängesberg of Dalarna in Sweden as usual, and we are planning the usual stuff once again.

We are also investigating the possibilities for some smaller competitions (such as 128byte intro, music..) so bring your coding books and soundtrackers :-)
Other events
will as usual be barbeque, afterparty in the wilderness, poker rounds, sleeplessness and so on!
More detailed
information will be available shortly!
Thanks for visiting.

Page last updated July 5, 1998 - 21.10 CET